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Tip 8: Subluxations Are Caused by Stress


Oh, sorry about that! Let’s get into Tip Number Eight.
Subluxations are caused by stress. There are three specific types of stress in our lives that can contribute to subluxations in the spine:

1. Physical Stress

Physical stresses include major events like bumping into objects (or skeletons!), major falls, traumatic events such as car accidents, or severe injuries. For example, I’ve seen patients who’ve experienced motorbike accidents or fractured bones—these are major physical stresses.

We can also experience minor physical stresses, like microtraumas over a long period of time. These could include sitting in front of a computer for extended periods over days, weeks, months, or even years. Other examples include standing while cooking, cleaning, or doing daily tasks. Is your posture in a good position, or is it creating microtraumas in your spine? These are all forms of physical stress.

2. Chemical Stress

Chemical stresses involve things that we put into our bodies. Smoking and drinking are significant examples of chemical stress that can negatively impact our health.

3. Emotional Stress

Emotional stresses are another major factor. The three most common emotional stresses are related to work, finances, and family. A combination of one, two, or all three of these can place a massive amount of stress on your body, potentially resulting in subluxations in your spine.

To keep your body healthy, we need to recognize what is causing it to become unhealthy—namely, these subluxations resulting from stress.

Stay tuned for Tip Number Nine!

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  • How to support your spinal health at home.
  • Common habits that may hinder your progress.
  • Ways to maintain your spinal health between visits.

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Tip 8 of Being Healthy | (07) 3496 9345