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Tip 10: What Should We Do if We Have Subluxation?


Today we’re talking about Tip Number Ten, and this is one of my favorites! Let me grab the skeleton here to help explain.

What should we do if we have subluxation in our spine? A great analogy I can share is this: if my car breaks down, I’m not going to take it to a plumber—right? Of course not. Similarly, if my house is perfectly fine but I want to install new light switches, I’m not going to call the fire brigade or emergency services to help with that.

The point is, every profession is specific to what it does. Chiropractors are trained to detect and correct subluxations in the spine. This allows the brain and body to communicate more effectively, helping you express the health you’ve always wanted.

If you have subluxation in your spine, the best thing to do is to have it corrected and adjusted by a chiropractor. We use very specific methods to detect the exact levels of subluxation and determine the precise movements required to address each individual spine.

So, Tip Number Ten: If you have subluxation, the answer is simple—get adjusted!

Now let’s perform a quick adjustment—just a bit of pressure here in the neck. And… there we go, very good!

I’ll see you soon for Tip Number Eleven!

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  • How to support your spinal health at home.
  • Common habits that may hinder your progress.
  • Ways to maintain your spinal health between visits.

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Tip 10 of Being Healthy | (07) 3496 9345